Thursday, March 31, 2005

Heh-heh, m-heh-heh, she said "wood"...

This sounds like it could have happened at my house.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Ann Coulter Is A Barking Moonbat

There. I said it.

I've felt that way for a long time, but this article threw me over the edge. Oh boo-hoo, poor Annie was heckled, cry me a river. Do I think speakers should be shouted down and interrupted by ignoramuses? Of course not. But, when the speaker is saying things like "(Liberals are) kind of cute when they're cold, shivering and afraid," and that she would answer questions from liberals in the audience wo could "thrash their way to a coherent thought," I say she reaped what she sowed. People like Ann Coulter do nothing to elevate the level of political discourse in our country, on the contrary, they drive away people of more even temper who have more sense than to take seriously the words of a woman who would call someone on the opposite side of the political fence a "human dirigible." It's funny in comedy, but it has no place in politics, and Ann Coulter most definitely is no comedienne.

Blog issues

Just added the Trackback feature here, as well as Haloscan comments. We'll see how these do for a while.

Nice day out today. Spring is in the air finally! And my bulbs are starting to sprout -- apparently the squirrells and moles didn't finish them off last year after all!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Don't even THINK of putting that on my kid!

Jim at Zero Intelligence reports on a California elementary school that has given ID badges with radio tracking devices to all students. Some parents are outraged, and see this as an attack on basic civil liberties and privacy (ya think?!). The expensive badge system will help the teachers --get this -- take attendance, and the principal is dismissing parental concerns and saying pretty much that if he feels it's in the best interest of the school it will happen. Jim's money quote is here:
So to recap there is a system in place that monitors when students are in the
classroom. We had one of these when I was in school - we called it a

Do read the whole thing, it gets better from there. Coming soon to a school near you. And the day it comes to my kids' school is the day I pull them out. If you can't keep track of your students and you fear for their safety in your building, the problem is NOT a lack of technology.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Call the Waaah-mbulance

It seems that some folks have proclaimed writer, raconteur, and grouch extrordinaire Kim Du Toit as the worst blogger. It's the kind of thing you just shake your head at, I guess. Folks were pretty incensed at two essays of Kim's in particular, "Let Africa Sink" (hello, he lived much of his life there, I think that entitles him to a valid opinion on the matter) and my favorite essay of his, "The Pussification of the Western Male." At the time this essay was written, I had myself begun to notice what a man-hating culture we have become in the U.S., and how much it disgusted me. Over time, I noticed that the "in" thing to do when among other women was to bitch ceaselessly about our husbands, rather than praising them for their good qualities. After a while I began to reject this foolish notion, mainly because I noticed that many of these women seemed to be picky, overly sensitive shrews who cared not one bit for nurturing their relationships and cared a whole hell of a lot about "what has he done for me lately?" Ugh. Then "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" came along, and I just couldn't stand it. The culture seemed to be driving us women to re-make our man, to mold them into our image, to turn them all into metrosexuals -- gah! For years we've been told that we can do everything a man can do, that we are alike in all ways except for anatomy. To which I say, bullshit. Celebrate your differences. I like the fact that my husband handles much of the car related stuff, mows the lawn, hunts and fishes for food for our table, and likes to get dirty doing all manner of household maintenance I'd rather not do. Likewise, he is happy to leave the decorating, meal planning, and holiday details to me. I'm happy that he is big and broad-shouldered, he's happy that I'm petite and slim-waisted. I like laughing at his various bodily noises that all men seem to be so proud of, but I'm not about to engage in a competition (in front of people).

Then there's my two boys, who were pointing their fingers at each other and playing "cops and robbers" before we even had guns in the house. They've always been rough and tumble, very active, head first through life kinds of kids. I think they are just wonderful, and though they are very busy throughout the day with the various trains to build, pictures to color, games to play etc., I wouldn't change it for the world. And the day any teacher suggests they are hyper is the day I will tell that person to get another job. Sometimes, boys just will be boys.

So Kim, on behalf of women who appreciate a good man, who are very glad that males and females are so different, and who are sick and tired of this culture of pussification, thank you. If you are the worst blogger out there, I have no desire to see what your self-proclaimed "betters" have to say.

Monday, March 21, 2005

I Have Found My Way!

Well, we are doing it! Da' Mouse and I have finally got a blog together. Scary, isn't it? And I only have one week to go for class. Then, the serious blogging will begin!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Goodbye, Rudy

Today's Erie Times News reports on the death of Rudy, the world's oldest gorilla in captivity. He resided at our very own Erie Zoo for the last 18 years. My kids loved to see the gorillas, and I'm sure Rhodar will miss him as well, since he worked at the zoo for years. Rudy will be sorely missed.

Welcome to Liberty and Pie

Welcome to our little blog here. This is a joint venture between myself, formerly of "One Little Victory," and Rhodar, of "Professor Rhodar's Rants." You can expect to read about politics, entertainment, family life, marriage, games, crafts, current events, and yes, pie. Because we like pie. If anyone has any clue how to import entries from MT to Blogger, let me know.

To get a sense of the various directions this blog will take in the future, I direct you to Ms. Meryl Yourish's site to get on board for the Third Annual International Eat An Animal for PETA Day, coming up on March 15th. Last year we celebrated by grilling some lovely deer filets, which were taken from a deer killed very humanely by a hunter we know personally. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and plan to post photos of this year's feast as well. Mmmmmm...