Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Ann Coulter Is A Barking Moonbat

There. I said it.

I've felt that way for a long time, but this article threw me over the edge. Oh boo-hoo, poor Annie was heckled, cry me a river. Do I think speakers should be shouted down and interrupted by ignoramuses? Of course not. But, when the speaker is saying things like "(Liberals are) kind of cute when they're cold, shivering and afraid," and that she would answer questions from liberals in the audience wo could "thrash their way to a coherent thought," I say she reaped what she sowed. People like Ann Coulter do nothing to elevate the level of political discourse in our country, on the contrary, they drive away people of more even temper who have more sense than to take seriously the words of a woman who would call someone on the opposite side of the political fence a "human dirigible." It's funny in comedy, but it has no place in politics, and Ann Coulter most definitely is no comedienne.