Why Should I Care About Politics?
I am at home this morning with a sick child, as the wife is on the road for a job that she loves. This gave me a bit of time to reflect on things again, much as an intellectual individual should do every now and then. Some browsing of the Internet had me reviewing this Open Letter to the RNC on Shakey Pete's site (thanks to IMAO for posting the link!). As a conservative, I agree with what was in the letter, but what can I do about it? Our country is becoming weaker because everyone is getting bailed out of their self-made circumstances (see anything related to bad mortgages as a start), and people are taking no responsibility for their actions. Poor me! Why didn't anybody warn me about variable-rate mortgages?
The RNC always sends me surveys asking my opinion about things, but
A. They are always loaded with leading questions, like are you in favor of curbing spending, or are you a liberal hippy?
B. Anything I want addressed is never done, like curbing spending because the RNC is trying to pander to other groups to look more sensitive to the needs of constituents.
C. The party has no moral high ground, as they have almost as many members as the Democrats with a broken moral compass.
I hold a faint hope that people will support a third party candidate, but for as bad as the county's economy has become, that hope is flickering because there isn't anywhere near the public outcry like in other places. Yes we are in better shape than other third world countries, but how long before people eventually get fed up and act out, such as the food riots (courtesy CNN.com) happening around the world.
I'm not advocating people burn stuff and tear things down. But complaining to TV people that things cost more as they drive off in their Hummers isn't the reaction I am looking for. More action, especially in the voting arena, would be the trick. The percentage of people registered to vote, let alone those who actually vote, is a sin. And as I have said before, if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain.
I have been behind non-party candidate before who appeared to have my best interests in mind. And I would be willing to bet that the non-voters who complain could spring a third party candidate in. I am starving for the someones that can put our country back on track, and I don't care what party they belong to. But until that happens, I fear my desire to care about change in politics is being swept away, due mostly to the ever-growing apathy that is like an overwhelming tidal wave that will eventually consume me.
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