Thursday, April 19, 2007

Holy. Holy. Crap.

The new NIN album not only rocks, the whole viral marketing and alternate reality game surrounding it is the bomb. Decode the binary. Spoiler type stuff at Digg --

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Random Crap

I used to do this a lot on my old blog, and since I have a little bit to say about a lot of things, here we go...


I got a new bento set from eBay:

I used it the other day for spaghetti and meatless meat sauce, flower cut veggies and dip in the 2-tier box, and cottage cheese with strawberries in the small oval container. Love the matching cute! Also got a new bento box for the Professor...

His is a manly bento.


What he said was stupid. Does he deserve to be fired over it? Absolutely, in that his employer has every right to fire a radio personality that proves to be more of a liability than an asset. It's Shock Radio people, and in that arena all that matters is the bottom line. Now that we have officially declared "ho's" a derogatory term for black women, can we please fix hip-hop now? And please add "bitches" to the bad-words-to-call-women-list. Thankyew.


I'm thrilled to see the lacrosse players have had all charges against them dropped. That case was a mess from day 1. Having said that, the whole episode is a major lesson in "when you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas." Whether you strip for money, or invite people in your house to strip for money, in either case your behavior is less than becoming, and you open yourself up to bad things happening. Too bad all involved couldn't learn that lesson without taking the hard road.

Mrs. Edwards

Woo. Waiting with bated breath to see how Mrs. Two Americas spins this one. I don't know much about her neighbor, he could be a squirrelbag for all I know, but for Mrs. Edwards to say what she did and not think this would come back and bite her in the


New album coming and tour announced...woo!


Double woo!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Gotta Love that Newsworthy Global Warming!

No real news here, really more of a brief rant. I was hoping to get out with my kids to do fun things on their Easter break from school since I am laid off and have the time. Go figure we have to get another blizzard here in the Great Lakes Region. According to this article (via the Drudge Report) from, this could be the coldest April in 113 years!

I believe there are some environmental components that have been affected by industrialization, but we do need to look at the fact that sometimes it gets really warm and really cold, and it really isn't an emergency. It may make us uncomfortable or be an inconvenience, but as Murphy of Murphy's Law fame says, "Nature is a mother." Mom has her good and bad days, but she's there to provide something. Unless mom is on a killing spree, we generally get out of her way on the bad days. It isn't newsworthy, and neither is this weather crap. If we get really, really hot or really, really cold year after year, that is a trend. Having the coldest April in 113 years doesn't sound like a trend to me.

And to those of you who say I am being to simple, maybe so. But that isn't newsworthy either. I am going to let the scientists and politicians fight it out for a while so I can spend some time with my kids. That, at least, is worthwhile, if not newsworthy.

Monday, April 02, 2007

The Return of the Professor!

Well, I'm least for the time being. I took a long hiatus due to working a new job and helping to coach my son's wrestling team. However, I am back to the land of at least temporarily unemployed. My position normally sees a summer layoff, but they are quite a bit early, given what I am seeing. So hopefully this will be the start of a return to the Professor's rants and maybe some enjoyment for you. I do hope to resume the pie reviews, because I have partaken in several outstanding desserts.

I would like to make one brief observation before going to glean the news of its crusty components. I took another self-imposed break from the news for a bit, and on my return the only thing that has changed is the increase in tabloid journalism across the board. I would like to see some stories on solutions to problems of a global nature; you know, Iran, Iraq, managing Al Gore's ego.... Instead I get more speculation on the life of the now deceased trailer trash queen and the problems of the Hollywood elite. To all of you supposed bastions of journalism excellence: leave this crap to The Entertainment Network and CBS.