Job Hopes Continued....
It has been a week since the interview. I feel pretty good right now. I have, for the time being, a sense of hope that has been absent from my brain. More tests and opportunities are beginning to unfold, with no promises, but it gives me something to aim for. And again, I am staying away from the news as much as I can.
How does this connect with my job concerns? Let me tell you....
I found a site dealing with Agathism, which describes my world perspective. An Agathist trends toward a greater good, without being blind to the crap that exists in the world. The author of the site, Brian Jones, notes something I generally believe. "If you read and watch the news too much, you might come to the conclusion that the world is in a terrible state....Not true, in my view....There are more people working on solutions than you might think."
This means, to me anyway, that news doesn't focus enough on the positive. And for me to be more satisfied, I need positive things. I have always believed we are molded by our environmental aspects, regardless of how 'strong' we think we are. And newscasts are part of that environment. I get enough to know what people may be talking about, but I am back to doing some things that make me happy.
This list includes, but is not limited to:
* Talking more with the Mrs., and watching less TV
* Asking more questions of my children's interests
* Getting together on a weekly game night with friends
* Not working 15+ hours a day, six days a week
* Being less serious about getting 'every little thing done' when it is not pressing
* Taking time to praise the progress of others, no matter how minor
Note that I am aware of the bad things that happen. But I finally connected another part of my brain to this overall concept. I can't stand these outlandish dramas like Nip/Tuck that add more strange and painful drama to my psyche. Life is dramatic enough. I actually watched the new Batjack release of McClintock recently, and enjoyed it thoroughly. Why? Because it has some moments of tension, but people try to have a good time in spite of it. Even when the 4th of July picnic / rodeo is interrupted by an Indian raid, one of the characters says "Are we gonna let a little old Indian raid spoil our rodeo?"
This is the type of atmosphere that would help all of us lighten up. Maybe we could accomplish more for everyone's greater good if we would focus on what will make the future better, instead of who is to blame for failure....Again, focus on the negative things in life is certainly keeping our country from being the fun, prosperous place that it used to be.
And if I am going to be prosperous, I need to enjoy the now more than an occasional quick hug or rare time to sit for a home-cooked meal. And if I want my family to support me in my quest, I can't be a bastard about it, or they will only be glad to see me gone. That stinks, especially since my goal is to be home with them more.
So I challenge you to consider what is going on around you. Are you consumed with the negativity of what is being broadcast? Are you happy, yet blind to what is going on? Or do you acknowledge the bad in the world, but believe things will get better because you can offer something that will help? I know where I am, and I don't plan on changing any time soon....
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