Ah, a new year!
And what a fabulous time to do something novel like, oh, write on my long-dead blog. Life has a funny way of creating directions for us that we never would have chosen on our own. 2006 was a difficult year for us in a number of ways, which I won't bore you with, but despite all the trials and tribulations I would not give it up for anything. Our oldest boy is in first grade, and is beconing more smart and clever by the day. Yet he's still all little kid -- right now he's running around the house in his underwear. Our youngest, at four and a half, is finally coming out of the terrible twos, and is becoming more and more curious about his world. Rhodar and I were able to get away for some couple time, and had a wonderful time enjoying each others' company without any intrusions or demands. We reconnected with the romance, I think, and it's been wonderful.
Having survived the crucible of 2006 has made me more relaxed, more willing to try new things, and more content with the fact that I have a great husband, wonderful kids, a roof over my head and food to eat. In just those things, I am more rich and blessed than most people, and for that I am thankful.
Dr. Helen asks on her blog today if anyone is making any new year's resolutions. I try to avoid them in general, they seem to induce more pressure and guilt than I need in my life. ;) However, I do have a couple:
1. Read more. Currently I prefer science and science fiction. I'll leave the political stuff to Rhodar. He bought me The Battle of Corrin ages ago and I'm finally getting around to reading it. The reviews aren't that great, guess I'm just a sucker for all things Dune. I hope to finish it today. Then I can get back to A Brief History of Time.
2. Help more. Donate more time, provide more help to friends in need, cook more meals for sick folks, that sort of thing. I wasted a lot of time over the last couple years feeling sorry for myself for things beyond my control, so it's time to spend some quality time getting outside myself and doing more to make the world a better place.
That's it for the resolutions. I think those are do-able.
We're spending today putting our house back together after our annual New Year's Eve bash, and other than that I plan on just hanging with the family and not doing a whole lot. Dinner is in the crock pot already (sauerkraut and pork, duh) and I am ready to chill after a busy holiday season. Happy New Year, and I hope 2007 is fabulous for you!
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